Color Model

A color model is an abstract mathematical model used to describe and define colors. Each model defines colors using specific color components, and different color models are suitable for different applications. Colors play a crucial role in map design, and utilizing various color models allows us to achieve accurate and consistent color representation on various media and devices. This is essential for ensuring precise visual communication and aesthetic appeal in images.

The main color models

This table shows the main color models could be used in cartography.
You can modify the values ​​of the indicators of different models in the fourth column to change the color.

Color ModelModel DescriptionModel DisplayExamplesApplication AreasAdvantages
RGBUses red (R), green (G), and blue (B) components to define the amount of red, green, and blue light in the color. In a 24-bit image, each component is represented as a number between 0 and 255.SVG Image Digital maps- Stores and displays a wide range of colors
- Easy to operate and adjust on computer
CMYKUses cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K) components to define the color. Each component ranges from 0 to 100 and is expressed as percentages. SVG Image Printed maps- Precise color reproduction
- Suitable for mass printing and publishing
HSVUses hue (H), saturation (S), and value (V)components to define the color.

Hue: wavelength of light on the color wheel [0°, 360°].
Saturation: purity of a color between 0% in the center and 100% at the edge.
Value: between 0% (black) and 100% (white)

SVG Image Map design
Color selection
Enhances map legibility and visual aesthetics
LabBased on human visual perception, including brightness (Luminance:0% to 100%), green-red (a-axis: -128 to 127), and blue-yellow (b-axis: -128 to 127 )SVG Image High-precision color conversionEnsures color consistency across different devices and media


Screen Color Picking & Color Model Conversion

You can start interacting with the color model by clicking on the square below
Click the eyedropper and move the mouse to any position on the screen to pick up a color.
Drag the color axis to switch colors.
